Exercise 01.01: Student Contact Information


To exchange con­tact infor­ma­tion between stu­dent and instructor.


Using Address Book (or sim­i­lar pro­gram) export and send a v‑card to the instruc­tor. At a min­i­mum, the card must con­tain Name, Google Docs (gmail) address (login) email, ORU email, and cell phone number.


Use the course Google drive to share files and access information.

Part One

Open Con­tacts (or sim­i­lar) on your com­puter or phone. Fill out the appro­pri­ate fields for your infor­ma­tion. Export the card and email it to the instructor.

If you do not have a Google account, please start one. If you do have an account, please pro­vide this as the pri­mary email address. It will pro­vide you access to other items needed for the class.

Using the direc­tions pro­vided in class, please set up your Cal­en­dar on your com­puter and/or phone to receive cal­en­dar updates.

Visit the course 355 Shared Folder (project man­age­ment site) and book­mark it for future use.

Part Two

Down­load and install Google Drive (Backup and Sync). Use the login pro­vided in Part One. Once access is given, return to the web ver­sion of the space. Click the “Shared with Me” folder on the left side of the win­dow. Drag the “ART 355” folder to the “My Drive” folder. your desk­top will begin to sync. This could take sev­eral hours, so leave your com­puter in a loca­tion where it can remain charg­ing and con­nected to the internet.

Once this part is com­plete, any file you open/save or access from the “Google Drive> ART 355” folder on your com­puter will auto­mat­i­cally sync to every­one’s com­put­ers. Be care­ful! Any acci­den­tal removal/deletion or upload of unnec­es­sar­ily large files will cause the entire class and instruc­tor to loose valu­able data.

To take a screen-shot:

  • Com­mand-Shift-4-Space­bar: Takes a screen­shot of the win­dow, and saves it as a file on the desk­top. The file will have a .png extension.
  • Com­mand-Shift‑3: Takes a screen­shot of the entire screen, and saves it as a file on the desk­top. The file will have a .png extension.
  • Instead of using the key­board short­cuts above, screen­shots can be taken by using the Screen­shot appli­ca­tion included with Mac OS X. It is located at /Applications/Utilities/Screenshot or by search­ing via Spot­light in the upper right of the Mac screen.
  • For more infor­ma­tion, please visit: https://​sup​port​.apple​.com/​e​n​-​u​s​/​H​T​2​0​1​361


  • The fol­low­ing rubric posted on D2L will deter­mine exer­cise score: Exer­cise Grading


com­puter, Address Book, iCal, Drop­box, Google Acount, email program


As defined by cor­re­spond­ing cal­en­dar item, drop­box, dis­cus­sion or con­tent topic description.


Fri­day, Jan­u­ary 21, 2021. Assign­ment given and due.