To exchange contact information between student and instructor.
Using Address Book (or similar program) export and send a v‑card to the instructor. At a minimum, the card must contain Name, Google Docs (gmail) address (login) email, ORU email, and cell phone number.
Use the course Google drive to share files and access information.
Part One
Open Contacts (or similar) on your computer or phone. Fill out the appropriate fields for your information. Export the card and email it to the instructor.
If you do not have a Google account, please start one. If you do have an account, please provide this as the primary email address. It will provide you access to other items needed for the class.
Using the directions provided in class, please set up your Calendar on your computer and/or phone to receive calendar updates.
Visit the course 355 Shared Folder (project management site) and bookmark it for future use.
Part Two
Download and install Google Drive (Backup and Sync). Use the login provided in Part One. Once access is given, return to the web version of the space. Click the “Shared with Me” folder on the left side of the window. Drag the “ART 355” folder to the “My Drive” folder. your desktop will begin to sync. This could take several hours, so leave your computer in a location where it can remain charging and connected to the internet.
Once this part is complete, any file you open/save or access from the “Google Drive> ART 355” folder on your computer will automatically sync to everyone’s computers. Be careful! Any accidental removal/deletion or upload of unnecessarily large files will cause the entire class and instructor to loose valuable data.
To take a screen-shot:
- Command-Shift-4-Spacebar: Takes a screenshot of the window, and saves it as a file on the desktop. The file will have a .png extension.
- Command-Shift‑3: Takes a screenshot of the entire screen, and saves it as a file on the desktop. The file will have a .png extension.
- Instead of using the keyboard shortcuts above, screenshots can be taken by using the Screenshot application included with Mac OS X. It is located at
or by searching via Spotlight in the upper right of the Mac screen. - For more information, please visit: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201361
- The following rubric posted on D2L will determine exercise score: Exercise Grading
computer, Address Book, iCal, Dropbox, Google Acount, email program
As defined by corresponding calendar item, dropbox, discussion or content topic description.
Friday, January 21, 2021. Assignment given and due.