Course Introduction: Evaluation Procedures — ART 355
Goal This goal of this inforÂmaÂtion is to define the paraÂmeÂters of course assessment.
Assignment 01.01: ORU Art Program Promotion
Goal The goal of this assignÂment is to preÂpare stuÂdents for the proÂceÂdures and demands of proÂfesÂsional employÂm
Assignment 02.02: ORU Art, Theatre and Dance Promotion Package
Goal The goal of this assignÂment is to develop a mulÂtiÂmeÂdia, multi-forÂmat design solution. Objective The objecÂ
Design Brief (KPA)
(also known as AssignÂment 03.04: Design Brief) Goal The goal of the assignÂment is to learn the founÂdaÂtional process of
President’s Research Fund Final Report
Part One: Introduction In sumÂmer of 2017, I received fundÂing from Oral Roberts UniÂverÂsity (ORU) President’s Res
PRF Project Part Two: Research and Needs Assessment
Any project begins with where you leave off. KnowÂing what to do next often takes longer that the rest of the work. I sp
Assignment 04.09: Large Format Poster
Goal The goal of this assignÂment is to develop a disÂcernÂing awareÂness of the conÂcepÂtual, visual and techÂniÂ
Assignment 03.09: Landscape or Travel Inspired
Goal The goal of this assignÂment is to develop a disÂcernÂing awareÂness of the conÂcepÂtual, visual and techÂniÂ
Exercise 11.08: Ink Mixing
Goal The goal of this exerÂcise is to develop the proper techÂnique for preparÂing a cusÂtom PanÂtone (PMS) color sc
Assignment 02.08: Classically Inspired or Modern Abstract
Goal The goal of this assignÂment is to develop a disÂcernÂing awareÂness of the conÂcepÂtual, visual and techÂniÂ
Exercise 10.07: Color Bars
Goal The goal of this exerÂcise is to develop a senÂsiÂtivÂity to process ink color choices availÂable for printing.
Exercise 09.06: Multiple Color
Goal The goal of this exerÂcise is to develop a senÂsiÂtivÂity to color choices availÂable for printÂing through a&