Banquet Cover, 8.5″ x 5.5″, Digital Print
As a parent of multiple swimmers and supporter of SwimTulsa, the development of pro bono design solutions for events is beneficial to the promotion and comradery of the club.

T‑shirt, Various, Silkscreen, printed by AT Clothing

T‑shirt, Various, Silkscreen, printed by AT Clothing

T‑shirt, Various, Silkscreen, printed by AT Clothing

Event Logo, Various, Digital Image, prints and Silkscreened Coozy, printed by Successories

Event Logo and Heat Sheet, Various, Digital Image and Prints

Event Logo and Heat Sheet, Various, Digital Image and Prints

Event T‑Shirt, Various, Silkscreen 2‑C, printed by AT Clothing, Design Credit: E. McGovern and Q. Howell

Event Logo, Various, Digital Image and Prints