Exercise 09.11: Body Text Variables
Goal The goal of this assignÂment is to develop an underÂstandÂing of the typoÂgraphic attribÂutes of alignÂment of type
Assignment 09.13: HTML and CSS Introduction
Goal The priÂmary goal if this assignÂment is to creÂate a printed and elecÂtronic resume. Objective The objecÂtive
Assignment 08.12: Conceptual Message and Media Form
Goal The goal of this assignÂment is to repÂreÂsent a conÂcepÂtual mesÂsage in mulÂtiÂple media forms, mainÂtain
Assignment 07.11: Paragraph Alignment and Visual Hierarchy
Goal The goal of this assignÂment is to develop an underÂstandÂing of the typoÂgraphic attribÂutes of alignÂment of type
Exercise 01.01: Graphic Design 101
Goal The goal of this project is to chalÂlenge your creÂativÂity, to rethink the obviÂous and begin the process of conÂce
Assignment 04.06: Festival Poster
Goal The goal of this assignÂment is to inteÂgrate the conÂcepÂtual mesÂsage, image, text and conÂtent into an impulÂsi
Assignment 09.12: Senior Project Research and Proposal
Goal The goal of the assignÂment is to preÂpare stuÂdents for the rigÂors of ART 499 Senior Project course. Objective The
Client Driven Design Project (KPA)
(forÂmerly known as AssignÂment 08.02: Client DriÂven Design Project) Goal The goal of this project is to the stuÂdenÂtâ€
Course Introduction 01.01: Required Materials
Goal This goal of this inforÂmaÂtion is to define the supÂplies needed for the course.
Course Introduction 01.01: Evaluation Procedures
Goal This goal of this inforÂmaÂtion is to define the paraÂmeÂters of course assessment.
Background 01.01: What is Graphic Design?
Goal This goal of this docÂuÂment is to estabÂlish the conÂtext for curÂrent course content. Objective ComÂplete the Bac
Exercise 01.01: Student Contact Information
Goal To exchange conÂtact inforÂmaÂtion between stuÂdent and instructor. Objective Using Address Book (or simÂiÂlar proÂ