Exercise 05.02: WordPress Themes
Goal To understand the mechanics of changing visual and functional aspects in a basic content management sy
Assignment 02.02: Database Driven Site
Goal Understand how a database driven site operates by inputing and manipulating existing familiar co
Assignment 07.11: Professional Portfolio Assessment
Goal The goal of this assignment is to review each individual student’s portfolio prior to beginning the profe
Assignment 06:10: Portfolio Promotion Package
Goal The goal of this assignment is to prepare a promotion package useful for finding employment. Objective
Assignment 06.10: Type Families and Visual Reinforcement
Goal The goal of this assignment is to increase sophistication in designing with type. The type font is the set of c
Quiz 05.08: Shape Type
Goal The goal of this quiz is to asses the student’s vector shape and letterform identification skills.&nb
ART 218 Midterm Grading
Goal The goal of midterm grading is to provide an assessment of student work completed at the end of the semester.
Background 08.01: Typography — Anatomy
Goal This goal of this document is to establish the context for current course content. Objective Complete the Bac
Assignment 05.06: Letterforms within the Environment
Goal As your awareness of the shape and form of letters increases, you will notice shapes within your environment that
ART 218 Final Grading
Goal The goal of final grading is to provide an assessment of student work completed at the end of the semester. G
Quiz 07.11: Spacing – Kerning
Goal To goal of this quiz is to asses the student’s skill kerning letterforms. Objective The objective of this quiz