Exercise 15.10: Media Best Practices
Needs Editing Goal Create a valid and correctly marked up HTML document. Objective Add the appropriate HTML marku
Exercise 10.04: Bootstrap Layout
Goal The goal of the exercise is to understand the conventions and practical application of frameworks in th
Course Introduction 01.01: Required Materials
Textbook Robbins, Jennifer Niederst, Learning Web Design, A Beginner’s Guide to HTML, CSS, Javascript, and Web Gr
Exercise 04.01: WordPress Media Upload
Goal To understand the mechanics of uploading and organizing media in basic content management system. Objecti
Exercise 03.01: WordPress Block Features
Goal To understand the mechanics of using advanced block based features of a content management system. Objec
Exercise 02.01: Content Management System (CMS) Entry
Goal The goal of this exercise is to create and publish an entry into a content management system (CMS). Ob
Exercise 01.01: Server Space, Web Hosting and WordPress Installation
Goal To acquire and demonstrate a functional knowledge of web-based hosting and to understand the mechanics o
Course Introduction 01.01: Evaluation Procedures
Goal This goal of this information is to define the parameters of course assessment.
ART 442 Semester Two Final Grading
Goal The goal of final grading is to provide an assessment of student work completed at the end of the semester. G
Exercise 12.14: Student Opinion Surveys
Assignment 04.11.02: WordPress Theme Development
Goal The goal of this assignment is to integrate supplemental technologies into existing layout skills to so
Assignment 03.09.02: User Experience Design
Goal The goal of this assignment is to enhance user satisfaction with a product/experience by improving the usa