The goal of this assignment is to prepare a promotion package useful for finding employment.
The objective of this assignment is to produce the following promotional materials: stationary set, printed portfolio and digital portfolio. This assignment correlates with the WPA-AGRD-Promotion Package.
Background Reading
- Foote, Chapter 5, p 95–114. Appendix IV, p 391–406.
- ORU Career Services http://www.oru.edu/current-students/my-services/career-services/
- ORU Career Services HandShake Access: https://oru.joinhandshake.com/login
- http://www.howdesign.com/design-career/resume-portfolio/
- http://www.howdesign.com/design-career/portfoliocommandments/
- http://www.howdesign.com/design-career/resume-portfolio/portfolio-faux-pas/
- http://www.howdesign.com/design-career/resume-portfolio/resume-writing/
- http://www.webdesignerdepot.com/2009/05/30-artistic-and-creative-resumes/
- http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2010/03/25/what-makes-a-great-cover-letter-according-to-companies/
- http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2009/04/01/10-handy-tips-for-web-design-cvs-and-resumes/
- http://joshuablankenship.com/blog/2010/08/02/what-people-like-me-are-looking-for-in-designerdeveloper-portfolios/
- http://justcreativedesign.com/2011/04/27/building-a-personal-brand/
- http://www.the-50.org/
- http://stream.thisisapipe.com/post/5786867144/unclaimed-internships
- http://www.davidthedesigner.com/davidthedesigner/2011/05/2.html
- https://theguerrilla.agency/building-digital-brand
Develop an identity set for use as a self-promotional tool for finding internships, employment or freelance projects. The ability to showcase creativity, research based skills and conceptual development is incredibly valuable in finding a position in the profession.
Part One
Update and complete a resume and cover letter template. Carefully make notes on which sections to update for a particular company. Develop a plan for finding network contacts and distribution of promotion materials. Pay careful attention to the desired employment sub-profession. Different groups expect to see different things in a promotional portfolio and letter.
- https://www.jobscan.co/resume-writing-guide
- https://www.glassdoor.com/blog/guide/how-to-write-a-resume/
- https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/resumes-cover-letters/how-to-make-a-resume-with-examples
Whether in print or email, cover letters should have a basic intro sentence stating you interest in the position or company, and where the position was discovered (ie recommended by someone to namedrop, or from a particular listing). The body paragraph(s) should hit the highlights of your resume, and why those fit the vision or mission of the company. This will require a little research and a need to tailor each letter to the end user. Data Merge may be helpful. Conclude your letter with a call to action for interacting with the addressee again.
- https://resumegenius.com/cover-letter-examples
- https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/cover-letter-samples
- https://www.jobscan.co/cover-letter-formats
- https://helpx.adobe.com/indesign/using/data-merge.html
Submit a text based document for revisions of resume and cover letter, plus sketches of general layout or inspiration as PDF files to appropriate D2L dropbox.
Part Two
Create a basic identity set. Keep logotypes or logos simple. Focus ideas on a concept that is unique, but beware of elaborate solutions. Professionals have seen most everything. Generate a basic look keeping in mind your ability to adapt your solution to any media and the ability to reproduce it within your skill set and means. Consider, as a minimum for this part, the following:
- Resume (PDF/Print and Website)
- Cover Letter (PDF/Print and email)
- Website
Visual consistency and balance is key. Avoid trendy graphics or free templates. Use classic and well supported typefaces with a large variety and multilingual support. Try to keep graphics to a minimal, and consider screen use as well as printing limitations.
Part Three
Create a traditional stationary set, consisting of the following:
- resume
- cover letter on letterhead
- number 10 envelope
- catalog envelope
- business card
- printed portfolio
Digital formats should include:
- website
- Website resume page (with PDF link)
- mobile formatted email (with links to webpage)
- social media images/posts and campaign messages, especially those that will drive traffic and showcase visual elements.
Website categories should cover all of the following, though they may be labeled and organized to fit the theme of the site (updated 11.25.2024):
- Graphic Design (ART 218, 355 among others)
- Web Design (ART 442, 318)
- Motion Design (ART 378, 355)
- Branding (ART 355, 318)
- Typography (ART 218, 205)
- Spatial Design (3D, AR ART 335)
- Problem Solving (ART 412)
While it seems antiquated, printed materials can be used to inspire and engage to drive potential employers to online resources that are easier to update. Having materials in all media forms also allows each potential employer to view work or credentials in the media form of their choice. This is especially important when the decision is made by several people at several different levels and times.
All media forms should receive consideration before committing to a final solution of particular section. Consider the entire life cycle of the project, including all media contsraints, color and typography. Make a decision for web technologies, and decide between a CMS and stand alone systems. Make mobile friendly versions using plug-ins or frameworks. Consider production techniques and expenses. Commit to providing access to necessary equipment to keep set updated and consistent, especially after leaving school.
Some helpful links:
- https://colorlib.com/wp/responsive-html-email-templates/
- https://zurb.com/playground/responsive-email-templates
- https://get.foundation/emails/inliner.html
Part Four
Prepare the package for in-class critique, as scheduled at random by the course instructor. Submit the entire package to the appropriate dropbox before the published deadlines.
- The following rubric posted on D2L will determine assignment score: Assignment 06:04: Portfolio Promotion Package
- The following rubric posted on D2L will determine Whole Person Assessment (WPA) scores: WPA-AGRD-Promotion Package
Print, Photography, web design,
As needed to complete project, paper printing, server space, web site
As defined by corresponding calendar item, dropbox, discussion or content topic description.