Assignment 05.11: Packaging Eye Candy


The goal of this assign­ment is to under­stand the require­ments asso­ci­ated with cre­at­ing basic graph­ics for use in the third dimension.


Design, cre­ate and build a movie-size candy box for shelf sale at a retailer and at a movie theater.

Background Reading


Plan, cre­ate, develop and pro­duce a movie-size candy box for shelf sale at a retailer and at a movie the­ater. The solu­tion must main­tain a con­cep­tual asso­ci­a­tion through imagery, typog­ra­phy and con­tent. The solu­tion can use 4/c to 6/c print­ing (sim­u­lated), include emboss­ing or die cuts in heavy stock (pro­vided). The solu­tion must include a bar­code and nutri­tion infor­ma­tion, which is reg­u­lated by fed­eral law. A pre-estab­lished size is pro­vided and solu­tion must remain mod­u­lar and stack­able for sale.

Part One

Choose a knock-off or poorly designed brand of candy, or make up a new name. Use a real prod­uct to gather nutri­tional infor­ma­tion. Brain­storm solu­tions. Decide on a size and shape. Sketch out your ideas for the front (main view­ing angle) of the pack­age. Next, make sketches and deter­mi­na­tions of the other sides of the pack­age, deter­min­ing loca­tion of con­tent as well as graphic treat­ments. Con­cen­trate on the con­cep­tual inte­gra­tion of the mark with the wider usabil­ity of the indi­vid­ual pieces. Inves­ti­gate spe­cial fin­ish­ing treat­ments, such as emboss­ing and die cuts. Cre­ate a 3D mock up your sketch solu­tions and eval­u­ate them before your final presentation.

Part Two

Design the nutri­tional infor­ma­tion panel, in con­junc­tion with a course exercise.

Part Three

Cre­ate the pack­age dig­i­tally. Any graphic rep­re­sen­ta­tion is pos­si­ble as long as it sup­ports the con­cept. Print color proofs and fash­ion a 3D mockup.

Part Four

Com­plete the solu­tion in a color mockup using pro­vided heavy stock. Solu­tions sub­mit­ted dig­i­tally (out­lined, CMYK illus­tra­tor file, with proper links) will be printed and assem­bled in class.


cut­ting, fold­ing, print­ing, sav­ing, file struc­ture, PDF creation


Lay­out paper, pen­cil, Adobe Illus­tra­tor and/or Pho­to­shop, access to b/w and color laser printer, matte board, ruler, cut­ting tool, rub­ber cement


Mon­day, March 11, 2019. Assign­ment Given.

Wednes­day, March 13, 2019. Part One.

Mon­day, March 25, 2019. Prints for Part Two.

Fri­day, March 29, 2019. Prints for Part Three.

Wednes­day, April 3, 2019. All Parts due for final pre­sen­ta­tion. Printed and assem­bled in class.