Assignment 05.10: Visual Brand Identity


The goal of this assign­ment is to trans­late an exist­ing logo into the basics of an iden­tity application.


The objec­tive of this assign­ment is to develop a tra­di­tional sta­tion­ary set, dimen­sional graph­ics (vehi­cle graph­ics, out­door sig­nage and uni­form) and an adap­ta­tion to a dig­i­tal appli­ca­tion (email, social media or for the com­pany using the var­i­ous logos devel­oped pre­vi­ously. Doc­u­ment the spec­i­fi­ca­tions of the iden­tity by cre­at­ing a basic HTML doc­u­ment out­lin­ing the appro­pri­ate use of logos, the gen­eral stan­dards for the brand items, and future design needs.

Background Reading

  • Wheeler, p 32–123.
  • Wheeler, Phase 3, 4, 5, p 124–193
  • Dab­ner, p 168–169

Branding Background


Brand Identity

Stationary Set Links

Mockup Links


Using logos gen­er­ated from pre­vi­ous assign­ments as a guide, start to develop the nec­es­sary ele­ments of the cho­sen brand. These should include basics such as a sta­tion­ary set (let­ter­head, enve­lope and busi­ness card), but also dig­i­tal adap­ta­tions of the sim­i­lar items, such as email tem­plates and social media pro­file. In the process of cre­at­ing these ele­ments, con­sider the over­all brand image and video style, as well as any addi­tional dimen­sional or mate­r­ial arti­facts. Based on the func­tion and mis­sion of the brand, develop and mock-up vehi­cle graph­ics, out­door sig­nage, uni­forms and or pack­ag­ing for the com­pany. Finally, doc­u­ment the stan­dards for use by future design­ers and cre­atives using the pro­vided HTML/CSS templates.

Part One

Begin by uti­liz­ing the pre­vi­ous assign­ments and exer­cises that have defined the breadth of the “visual” part of the brand iden­tity. These projects include logo devel­op­ment, color and type­face selec­tions, and imagery style inspi­ra­tion. By refin­ing an ideal, it will be eas­ier to adapt the indi­vid­ual com­po­nents to cohe­sive solu­tions. While each part will need revi­sion, devel­op­ing the visual iden­tity will fol­low a more lin­ear process. Col­lect the nec­es­sary mate­ri­als needed for the brand, and then assem­ble these into a “mood board” type rough draft solu­tion. The com­bi­na­tion of estab­lished logos, col­ors, typog­ra­phy and imagery will deter­mine the look, feel and direc­tion of the fol­low­ing assign­ment parts. 

To final­ize the ini­tial stage, cre­ate a basic social media mes­sage or email graphic that reflects this visual feel using the pro­vided tem­plates. Include cre­ative copy­writ­ing or slo­gans to sup­ple­ment the design elements.

Present a PDF or JPG’s for cri­tique and to the appro­pri­ate drop­box for assessment.

Part Two

Design and pro­duce a sta­tion­ary set con­sist­ing of a let­ter­head, enve­lope and busi­ness card using your best full color logo from pre­vi­ous assign­ments. Con­cen­trate on the con­cep­tual inte­gra­tion of the mark with the wider usabil­ity of the indi­vid­ual pieces. Inves­ti­gate paper types and spe­cial fin­ish­ing treat­ments, such as emboss­ing and die cuts. Do not for­get about con­di­tions like mail­ing require­ments that will affect the fin­ished project. First, sketch your ideas as thumb­nails. Sec­ond, mock up your solu­tions and eval­u­ate them before your final presentation. 

Present the solu­tions using dig­i­tal mock­ups to approx­i­mate actual objects. Present a PDF or JPG’s for cri­tique and to the appro­pri­ate drop­box for assessment.

Part Three

Cre­ate a set of envi­ron­men­tal design arti­facts that rep­re­sent the nature of the cho­sen com­pany. This should include as a min­i­mum vehi­cle graph­ics, sig­nage and apparel or uni­form. Care­fully choose appro­pri­ate type of vehi­cle (van, truck, or car) that would suit the brand pro­file. Con­sider all aspects of the vehi­cle, includ­ing color size, win­dows in the solu­tion. Find stock graph­ics or vec­tors of your vehi­cle and apply the graph­ics to more than one angle. In addi­tion to these graph­ics, cre­ate out­door sig­nage and an employee uni­form. Col­ors, sizes and mate­ri­als are unre­stricted, but must fall within rea­son­able bud­get approx­i­ma­tions. Sim­i­lar to the vehi­cle, choose mock­ups that will present the work ade­quately and match the brand objectives. 

Present the solu­tions using dig­i­tal mock­ups to approx­i­mate actual objects. Present a PDF or JPG’s for cri­tique and to the appro­pri­ate drop­box for assessment.

Stock Footage Request

To use stock footage or graph­ics, cre­ate a free account at Envato Ele­ments (https://​ele​ments​.envato​.com/​s​i​g​n​-up). Save files that might be use­ful in a Col­lec­tion. Upon approval at cri­tique, share the Col­lec­tion with the course instruc­tor. Requested files will be down­loaded and dis­trib­uted as needed.

Part Four

Cre­ate a small pre­sen­ta­tion doc­u­ment out­lin­ing the graphic stan­dards for the solu­tion. As a min­i­mum, the doc­u­ment must present all of the con­tent required of this assign­ment. Any stu­dent or entry level designer should be able to use the infor­ma­tion pro­vided to cre­ate a basic doc­u­ment or revi­sion in the future. Cre­ate the dig­i­tal stan­dards man­ual using the pro­vided HTML and CSS  tem­plate. The style man­ual should include both print mate­ri­als as well as basic styl­is­tic con­sid­er­a­tions for a web­page (ie image styles, typog­ra­phy, swatches, RGB and hex col­ors, mock­ups). Take a screen shot of the result­ing webpage.

Place the result­ing image file of web­site and a zipped ver­sion of HTML and CSS files in appro­pri­ate D2L Dropbox.


Link man­age­ment, Font man­age­ment, file place­ment, lay­out, book­let cre­ation, sav­ing, file struc­ture, PDF cre­ation, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap


Adobe Illus­tra­tor and/or Pho­to­shop, Dreamweaver,


As defined by cor­re­spond­ing cal­en­dar item, drop­box, dis­cus­sion or con­tent topic description.