Improve and expand range of motion design animation skills through motion representing communication.
Create a portfolio-ready motion design animation that pays respect to a classic, design history worthy poster.
Please Note: Assignment is new and may be updated. Any changes will be noted in writing.
Background Reading
- https://designarchives.aiga.org/#/home
- https://www.loc.gov/free-to-use/
- https://www.moma.org/search/?query=poster
- https://www.dwell.com/article/saul-bass-movie-posters-05196b16
- http://herbertmatter.org/welcome/posters
- http://obsessilicious.com/?cat=71
- https://www.companyfolders.com/blog/great-movie-poster-designs
Select a visually noteworthy poster that reflects a significant designer or period of design history. This poster will become the basis for creating a 10–15 second animated video “homage” based on the original intent of the poster. The poster will not require the details of the original, but will use contemporary fonts, live-action footage, and effects to recreate the interpreted communication, look and feel of the poster.
Part One
Choose a couple of possible posters and begin to brainstorm and storyboard possible solutions. Consider the shift of orientation between the two media forms, and possible opportunities for integrating some sort of live action footage. This footage can reflect action using subjects, or can represent textures and effects generated using abstracted or edited versions of footage.
Consider access to footage to help make a determination as to the best poster use.
Part Two
Convert the storyboard to a series of digital sample frames using the software of choice. These files are intended to represent a more polished visual simulation of the completed animation. Some effects and images will be impossible to produce in some programs, but typefaces, colors and positioning are intended to represent the intent of the solution.
Place the images in a timeline and create a rough cut animatic with audio that simulates movement, positioning and framing. The clip should not be overly polished.
Part Three
Complete your animation using any necessary software and techniques. Publish clips as necessary for critique. Have authoring files available for review in class if warranted.
Technical Specifications
Create the animations at the following settings:
- File Size/Export Settings: HDTV 1080, 29.97fps
- Render Settings: Best and Output Module: H.264
- 44.1kHz, 16 bit, 2 channel audio
- File name: xyz_art378_exer00_part00.mp4
- The following rubric posted on D2L will determine exercise score: Assignment Grading
Creativity, brainstorming, planning, experimentation, file hierarchy, structure, naming conventions
Adobe After Effects, Photoshop, Illustrator, video, audio
As defined by corresponding calendar item, dropbox, discussion or content topic description.