Assignment 03.07: You Can Judge a Book by It’s Cover


The pri­mary goal if this assign­ment is to uti­lize print pro­duc­tion soft­ware and skills to cre­ate a port­fo­lio qual­ity mock book cover with imagery and typography.


Use the book cho­sen for pre­vi­ous assign­ments to develop a con­cep­tual solu­tion for the cover. Care­fully ana­lyze audi­ence or mar­ket forces to deter­mine the graphic approach to the pre­sen­ta­tion. Pre­cisely choose fonts and pos­si­ble imagery to com­pli­ment this solu­tion. Appro­pri­ate use of InDe­sign is vital to suc­cess. File man­age­ment is also key to seam­less production.

Background Reading


Cre­ate a book cover for the title used in pre­vi­ous assign­ments. No restric­tions on color, bind­ing style or fin­ish­ing tech­niques, but the type­face choices are restricted to the pre­vi­ous choice, and one addi­tional one for a total of two. Please con­sult the open source Guten­berg Project for texts.

  • Adven­tures of Huck­le­berry Finn
  • Alice’s Adven­tures in Wonderland
  • Don Quixote
  • Franken­stein
  • Great Expec­ta­tions
  • Jane Eyre
  • Moby Dick
  • Par­adise Lost
  • Pride and Prejudice
  • Swiss Fam­ily Robinson
  • Trea­sure Island
  • Wuther­ing Heights

Part One

Brain­storm five (5) con­cepts. Think as diverse as pos­si­ble, though at least one of the con­cepts must be a typo­graphic solu­tion. Research any nec­es­sary visual mate­r­ial for ref­er­ence. Cre­ate five (5) sketches on paper for each con­cept to cre­ate a total of 25 sketches. Con­cen­trat­ing both visu­ally and con­cep­tu­ally, keep in mind the design prin­ci­ples of Gestalt, con­trast, pat­tern, etc.

Again on paper, refine your five (5) ideas into two (2). Eval­u­ate your results and select the best of this batch. At this point, move to the com­puter and refine your sketch dig­i­tally as many times as nec­es­sary to achieve an ideal solu­tion. Bring improved work for infor­mal cri­tique dur­ing each class period. Solu­tions should be flex­i­ble enough to work with the inside lay­out of the text as part of the pre­vi­ous assignment.

Part Two

Cre­ate a lo-res black and white proofs to estab­lish posi­tion­ing and place­ment of items, such as typog­ra­phy, ISBN’s and imagery. Con­tinue to make adjust­ments to cre­ate a lo-res black and white sam­ple to eval­u­ate your suc­cess. Please include the pro­vided ISBN code and pub­lisher logo, found at Brands of the World, and pub­lisher con­tact infor­ma­tion, found in the text file. For infor­ma­tion about the pub­lisher, please visit Pen­guin Books, Ltd. for his­tory and US Pen­guin Group.

Part Three

Mock up the book using blank paper or an exist­ing book as dis­cussed in class. Place PDF files in the appro­pri­ate D2L dropbox.


  • The fol­low­ing rubric posted on D2L will deter­mine assign­ment score: Assign­ment 03.07: You Can Judge a Book by It’s Cover


File place­ment, image manip­u­la­tion, file man­age­ment, fab­ri­ca­tion skills


Adobe Inde­sign, Pho­to­shop, Illus­tra­tor, tem­plate files, mock book, tem­plate files


As defined by cor­re­spond­ing cal­en­dar item, drop­box, dis­cus­sion or con­tent topic description.