Assignment 03.04: Identi-tee


The goal of this projects is to use design to com­mu­ni­cate and iden­tify in a cre­ative and effec­tive manner.


Cre­ate a multi-color t‑shirt design that serves as a de facto iden­tity for a dorm floor, wing or cam­pus organization.

Background Reading

  • San­toro, Chap­ter 6, p 151–178
  • San­toro, Chap­ter 9, p 239–253
  • San­toro, Chap­ter 10, p 255–274
  • Dab­ner, p 104–147.


Cre­ate a design that com­mu­ni­cates the iden­tity of a cho­sen dorm floor, wing or cam­pus orga­ni­za­tion. You are lim­ited to a max­i­mum three (3) PMS spot col­ors includ­ing a sin­gle one-color image​.You may choose any shirt color, but dark col­ors may require the manda­tory use of white for vis­i­bil­ity. You may use any font found on the com­put­ers, and with spe­cial per­mis­sion, one from another loca­tion. Max­i­mum print area is a sin­gle 10 x 12 in print area.

Part One

Gen­er­ate con­cepts using the meth­ods pre­sented in pre­vi­ous lec­tures. Iden­tify the essen­tial items for com­mu­ni­ca­tion, such as asso­ci­a­tion to the Uni­ver­sity, year and title. Present sketches, source imagery and type­face sam­ples for three (3) dif­fer­ent con­cepts. Con­cepts will be reduced and amended to a sin­gle design at the end of this critique.

Part Two

Present dig­i­tal color drafts of your best con­cept. More exper­i­men­ta­tion gen­er­ally yields a bet­ter solu­tion. Tem­plates are provided.

Part Three

Present a final color design printed flat (10 x 12 in max art­work on 11 x 17 in paper) with a sam­ple lay­out show­ing posi­tion with art­work (col­ored shirt graphic, 8.5 x 11 in paper). Also pro­vide black and white “color” sep­a­ra­tions with appro­pri­ate print­ers marks (three 8.5 x 11 in black and white prints). Place three pdf files into the appro­pri­ate D2L dropbox.


  • The fol­low­ing rubric posted on D2L will deter­mine assign­ment score: Assign­ment 03.04: Identi-tee


Scan­ning, image cor­rec­tion, vec­tor draw­ing, PDF cre­ation, printing


Paper, pen­cil, eraser, scan­ner, Adobe Illus­tra­tor, Pho­to­shop, Acro­bat Distiller


As defined by cor­re­spond­ing cal­en­dar item, drop­box, dis­cus­sion or con­tent topic description.