Assignment 02.03: Sticker Shock


The goal of this assign­ment is to under­stand the role of figure/ground, sym­bols, color and mate­r­ial in com­mu­ni­ca­tion while uti­liz­ing pro­fes­sional practices.


The goal of this objec­tive is to use com­plete vec­tor shapes, pathfinder tools and mul­ti­ple lev­els to cre­ate a multi-color vinyl sticker using pro­duc­tion software.

Background Reading


Cre­ate an engag­ing sticker or sticker set that rep­re­sents the cho­sen activ­ity. The use of pre estab­lished sym­bols, vec­tors and icons is per­mit­ted. The stick­ers are lim­ited to a max­i­mum of four inches in any direc­tion, may be any shape, and is lim­ited to three (3) colors.


Ora­cal 651 Inter­me­di­ate Cal http://​www​.orafol​.com/​g​p​/​a​m​e​r​i​c​a​s​/​e​n​/​p​r​o​d​u​c​t​s​/​p​l​o​t​t​e​r​-​f​i​l​m​s​-​p​r​o​d​u​c​t​-​d​e​t​a​i​l​s​-​1​0​1​8​7​/​i​t​e​m​s​/​o​r​a​c​a​l​-​6​5​1​-​i​n​t​e​r​m​e​d​i​a​t​e​-​cal

  • Black (070)
  • White (010)
  • Sil­ver Grey Metal­lic (090)
  • Gold Metal­lic (091)
  • Red (031)
  • Orange (034)
  • Pink (041)
  • Yel­low (021)
  • Brown (080)
  • Blue (049)
  • Green (061)
  • Lime Tree Green (063)


  • Sports
  • Vehi­cles
  • Flow­ers
  • Food
  • Design

Part One

Begin by devis­ing the com­mu­ni­ca­tion goals of the final sticker. What is the intended audi­ence? Brain­storm ideas and coor­di­nate avail­able sym­bols and/or text. Con­sider the style and graphic atti­tude of the sym­bols. Sin­gle color sym­bols are an excel­lent choice for source graph­ics, since fab­ri­cat­ing the accom­pa­ny­ing parts to fill in the forms is per­mis­si­ble. Select col­ors to coor­di­nate with your com­mu­ni­ca­tion goals. After class cri­tique, please sub­mit an image of project for grad­ing as PDF or JPG.

Part Two

Using the pro­vided tem­plate, begin mod­i­fy­ing your art­work to cre­ate the desired col­ors and form. Using the coor­di­nat­ing exer­cises as a guide, ensure the art­work forms accom­mo­dates the lim­i­ta­tions of the media and out­put device. Present this art­work for instruc­tor approval at cri­tique. After class cri­tique, please sub­mit an image of project for grad­ing as PDF or JPG.

Part Three

Dupli­cate the author­ing file and remove any unnec­es­sary art­work. Out­line any text. Use the Pathfinder Palette to Trim the art­work. Place each color of art­work on its own layer. Use the Sep­a­ra­tions Pre­view palette to review your progress. Print a sam­ple of each layer and test on the light table for accu­racy. Print a full color exam­ple for ref­er­ence. Deliver author­ing (.ai) files, with fonts out­lined and spe­cial effects expanded, to the appro­pri­ate D2L Dropbox.

Part Four

After receiv­ing the pre­cut vinyl from the instruc­tor, care­fully weed the vinyl, pay­ing atten­tion to the fig­ure and ground for each color. Use the printed ref­er­ences from Part Three as a guide. When all appro­pri­ate sec­tions are cleared, apply trans­fer tape to two of the three col­ors and remove the back­ing paper. The thick­ness of the vinyl will cre­ate the nec­es­sary edge to set­tle the cor­re­spond­ing col­ors. Align each color, and apply with squeegee or card to base color back­ing paper. Remove the trans­fer tape. Present this three (3) color sticker for cri­tique. Do NOT apply the sticker before cri­tique. After class cri­tique, please sub­mit an image of project for grad­ing as PDF or JPG.

Technical Specifications

  • 4 x 4 in max­i­mum area
  • Three (3) color maximum
  • Adobe Illus­tra­tor template


  • The fol­low­ing rubric posted on D2L will deter­mine assign­ment score: Assign­ment 02.03: Sticker Shock


Weed­ing, pen tool, path gen­er­a­tion, closed paths, pathfinder, align­ment, vinyl application


Art­work, com­puter, appro­pri­ate soft­ware, Craft knife, release tape, vinyl cut­ter, vinyl


As defined by cor­re­spond­ing cal­en­dar item, drop­box, dis­cus­sion or con­tent topic description.