Assignment 01.02: Senior Project Development


The goal of this assign­ment is to develop a work­ing draft of the mul­ti­me­dia, multi-for­mat design solution.


The objec­tive of this assign­ment us to pro­duce a define the para­me­ters, and begin sam­ples of the intended project that will help explore pos­si­bil­i­ties and iden­tify chal­lenges asso­ciate with pro­duc­ing it. This is the first of three assign­ments related to pro­duc­ing a senior project.

Background Reading

  • Design research
  • explo­ration and brainstorming
  • Senior Project Proposal


Using the Senior Project Pro­posal assign­ment, begin to cre­ate the ele­ments needed to com­plete the project. This stage is intended that will serve as an inquis­i­tive, expan­sive, and prac­ti­cal assess­ment of the poten­tial of the project.

Part One

Develop a list of key prob­lems that need solv­ing in order to prod­uct the project. Next, begin to develop a list of pos­si­ble solu­tions that will address each. Look for over­lap, para­me­ters and pos­si­ble syn­the­sis among the indi­vid­ual items. As the poten­tial list of solu­tions expands, doc­u­ment each, and then write down a sim­ple solu­tion that will need to be pro­duced. Keep the visu­als in a draft or sketch stage here, but feel free to inves­ti­gate any sizes, lengths or tech­ni­cal aspects.

Part Two

Develop mock­ups of the key fea­tures, arti­facts and/or expe­ri­ences planned for the project. This stage focuses on the visual cat­a­log of the project. Pro­duce a range of type­faces, color palettes, image sources or inspi­ra­tion. Test sizes and media through sim­u­la­tions or sur­ro­gate images (ie XD wire­frames, video ani­mat­ics, etc).

Part Three

Doc­u­ment the com­ments made dur­ing the mockup pre­sen­ta­tion. Make a plan to address each of the com­ments, includ­ing solv­ing any con­fus­ing aspects, or strength­en­ing solid deci­sions. These top­ics will be addressed in the next project in the senior project sequence.


  • The fol­low­ing rubric posted on D2L will deter­mine assign­ment score: Assign­ment 01.02: Senior Project Development


Print and video pro­duc­tion, delivery


Senior Project Pro­posal, Appro­pri­ate soft­ware, client con­tent, pho­tog­ra­phy, video


As defined by cor­re­spond­ing cal­en­dar item, drop­box, dis­cus­sion or con­tent topic description.