The goal of this assignment is to refresh the skills needed to layout a web site.
Create a sample site using an established and well documented framework to speed production time.
- Robbins, Chapter 4–5, p 49–104
- Robbins, Chapter 15–16, p 341–398
- http://getbootstrap.com
- http://getbootstrap.com/getting-started/
Create a web page that illustrates working knowledge of CSS and HTML. The site must utilize aesthetic design principles to create an attractive, yet functional solution. The use of a framework is recommended, though using files created from other sources is permissible depending upon skill level. Choose a sample subject from the list below. Create a fictictious sample site of two to three (2−3) pages that represent a home page, intermediary navigation page (as needed) and a main entry page (ie blog post, article or item page).
- Fashion Retailer
- Travel Blog
- Sports News
- Internet Service Startup
- Hobby Forum
- DIY Lesson Site
Part One
Begin by brainstorming content and experience needs. Document your creative solution and artistic direction. Sketch a paper, Adobe XD, or similar site diagram and wireframe layout of your proposed page, noting basic content, common elements, id’s and markup using one of the frameworks provided in class. Keep it simple at first and mobile friendly, with 2–3 main columns, before you get complex. Be sure to include mobile friendly versions. Create, acquire or modify existing content to suit your needs, but beware of copyright restrictions.
Part Two
Build a digital wire-frame mock-up in HTML and CSS based on your sketches from part one, including a mobile friendly version. Use the style information provided via the framework to assist. Begin to place the appropriate content in as needed, but the emphasis is on function not on aesthetics. Save this wire-frame separately.
If pertinent, integrate mechanical aspects of JS libraries with test data. Troubleshoot any complications, especially technical integration, and adjust design parameters as necessary.
Please note, wireframes should be based on a raw framework, and should not entirely use finished, free templates found online.
Part Three
Create a “final” digital aesthetic mock-up using the Adobe XD, Photoshop or Illustrator framework templates and based on the paper and digital wire-frames from Part One and Two. Make careful notes of dimensions, colors, images, filenames and style information. Easy access of this information reduces confusion and speeds production.
Part Four
Using framework based files provided via previous lectures (or via discussion section for this assignment), create a series of web pages using your content and image(s) simulating the function of the site. Test in browser often. Once your design is completed, post the files to the appropriate D2L dropbox.
- The following rubric posted on D2L will determine assignment score: Assignment 01.01.02: Site Layout and Frameworks
CSS, HTML, planning, converting files, file hierarchy, structure, naming conventions
TextEdit, Dreamweaver, image editor, source files
As defined by corresponding calendar item, dropbox, discussion or content topic description.