Assignment 01.01: 2D and 3D Introduction

Goal Develop a prac­ti­cal appli­ca­tion of 2D design and soft­ware skills in a 3D vir­tual arti­fact an

Exercise 10.13: Standards Manual Setup

Goal Estab­lish a doc­u­ment that presents the assets, guide­lines and bound­aries that define and sup­port the bre

Exercise 09.12: Brand Imagery

Goal Estab­lish a defined set of images that sup­port the breath of com­mu­ni­ca­tion essen­tial to a visual

Assignment 05.10: Visual Brand Identity

Goal The goal of this assign­ment is to trans­late an exist­ing logo into the basics of an iden­tity application. Objectiv

Exercise 08.10: Brand Typography

Goal Estab­lish a defined set of col­ors that sup­port the breath of com­mu­ni­ca­tion essen­tial to a visua

Exercise 07.10: Brand Colors

Goal Estab­lish a defined set of col­ors that sup­port the breath of com­mu­ni­ca­tion essen­tial to a visua

Exercise 06.05: AI Mashups

Goal Learn to use con­tem­po­rary tools to expand the design process.  Objective Expand the design process by using Ar

Exercise 05.05: Image Trace

Goal Explore tools and tech­niques for con­vert­ing images to vectors. Objective Use Adobe Illus­tra­tor (or sim­i­lar)

Senior Project Proposal (KPA)

Team Evaluation (KPA)

Assignment 04.02.02: Web Images

Goal Review vocab­u­lary and skills related to HTML and CSS. Objective Read and com­plete exer­cises that refresh kno

Assignment 05.01: Performance Evaluation

Goal The goal of this assign­ment is to eval­u­ate the intern­ship performance.  Objective The objec­tive of this as