Recent Print Exhibitions

PNG: Stress: Futura

paper, serig­raphy, let­ter­press 7″ x 5″ (14″ x 11″ framed) 2014

Thanks to an ORU Intra­mural Research Grant award, I was able to sub­mit prints for exhi­bi­tion at sev­eral venues across the coun­try. It is quite an honor to have so many pieces selected for exhibition. 

It is hum­bling to think that peo­ple find some man­ner of inter­est in my images. The prints are sim­ple stud­ies in color, form and com­po­si­tion. They are relax­ing to cre­ate and remind me of the basic design assign­ments of my early design school­ing. I have always found it odd that the often anony­mous type design­ers and print­ers of the past named var­i­ous aspects of let­ter­forms after body parts. Per­sona non Grata is an explo­ration in visual, artis­tic form, using this sta­ple of the design world. Hope­fully, view­ers of these prints will dis­cover a new­found beauty in the mun­dane words they see each day.

Most recently, two prints, Lobe: Palan­tino (15) and Spur: Baskerville were selected for inclu­sion in the Marin Soci­ety of Artists 2014 Fresh Art exhi­bi­tion at the Marin Art and Gar­den Cen­ter in Ross Cal­i­for­nia. The pieces were selected by Dr. Stephanie Hanor, Assis­tant Dean and Direc­tor, Mills Col­lege Art Museum in Oak­land, Cal­i­for­nia, for inclu­sion in the nation­ally juried show which is sched­uled to run from Sat­ur­day, Sep­tem­ber 13 to 4 pm Sat­ur­day, Octo­ber 11, 2014.

Two entries, Beard: Baskerville, Bodoni, Didot and Stress: Futura, were selected by juror Frank Ellsworth for inclu­sion in the Los Ange­les Print­mak­ing Society’s Push and Pull Exhi­bi­tion, sched­uled from July 26 to Sep­tem­ber 12, 2014 at the City of Brea Art Gallery in Brea, CA.

Juror Donna Stein selected Teardrop: Bodoni (10) for inclu­sion in the pres­ti­gious Los Ange­les Print­mak­ing Society’s Lay­ers of Iden­tity II Exhi­bi­tion. This exhi­bi­tion ran at the Arena One Gallery in Santa Mon­ica, CA from August 2–30, 2014.

Three pieces, Foot: Bodoni (04), Foot: Bodoni (07) and  Foot: Bodoni (12) were blindly selected for June 6 to July 12 exhi­bi­tion of Mul­ti­ple Impres­sions / Print­mak­ing at the Spring­field (IL) Arts Asso­ci­a­tion gallery, juried by Betsy Dol­lar and included my print­mak­ing men­tor, Pro­fes­sor Mark Sis­son of Okla­homa State Uni­ver­sity whose career stretches over 30 years.

Three addi­tional pieces, Stress: Futura, Eye: Hel­vetica and Fil­let: Hoe­fler Text were shown from June 5 to July 12 at Mid Cen­tury Mad­ness in the Coker Fam­ily Gallery at Blue Line Arts, in Rosedale, Cal­i­for­nia and selected by juror Tony Not­soulas.

I hope to get print­ing again soon.