Print Series Descriptions

Persona non Grata

Per­sona non Grata: Anatom­i­cal Typo­graphic Exile is a body of post­mod­ern typo­graphic prints pro­duced via serig­ra­phy, relief and let­ter­press tech­niques. Through abstrac­tion, crop­ping and color each print pays homage to the sub­tle anatom­i­cal details of let­ter­form nomen­cla­ture as related to a per­son­i­fied con­cept. PNG’s func­tional goal is to bring atten­tion to the over­looked beauty of let­ter­forms through a blend of design tech­nol­ogy, ele­ments, prin­ci­ples and his­tor­i­cal reference.


Logos is a body of work which seeks to chal­lenge the pre­con­ceived notions of Chris­t­ian art through the use of the hum­ble com­mer­cial mate­ri­als and tech­niques of the graphic arts. The post­mod­ern typo­graphic prints are cre­ated using sev­eral lay­ers of let­ter­press and silkscreened-seri­graphed let­ter­forms, often with abstracted grotesk crop­ping, enlarged halftones and over­lap­ping colors.