

This site and accom­pa­ny­ing dig­i­tal arti­facts were built using resources scoured from the web, namely WP Port­fo­lio from Theme Horse, Rokkitt and for­merly from Zurb and the Reverie Frame­work.

Rights also belong to the obvi­ous rights hold­ers and their use or like­ness is intended to com­ply with their pub­lished or con­trac­tual agree­ments. If you have a prob­lem, don’t call the lawyers. Call me first.


Feel free to use this site con­tact us as often as needed to com­plete your busi­ness. If you are com­pelled to ini­ti­ate a lit­tle malfea­sance, I will have to turn the other cheek and pray for you at length.


Any infor­ma­tion col­lected or posted on the inter­net is fair game. Let’s respect each oth­ers pri­vacy and life will stay good.