Exercise 02.02: Practicing Data Driven Design


The goal of this exer­cise is to devel­op­ing an expe­ri­ence with a num­ber of design frame­works for research­ing and doc­u­ment­ing a ques­tion, prob­lem or challenge.


The objec­tive of this exer­cise is to doc­u­ment the process of solv­ing a com­mon design prob­lem using a design framework.

Background Reading


Using a sim­ple, and fairly com­mon activ­ity pro­vided by the course instruc­tor, sur­vey, research, out­line, test and record the process of solv­ing a design prob­lem using a design frame­work. A final report and pre­sen­ta­tion will review the activ­ity and record the find­ings to dis­trib­ute to a wider audi­ence. Groups will be assigned for the prob­lem, but each stu­dent will com­plete the fol­low­ing Parts and Submission

Part One

Gen­er­ate ideas on the prob­lem pre­sented in class. The abil­ity to cre­ate a plan is essen­tial. Make deter­mi­na­tions as to the back­ground of the prob­lem. What is search­able via web queries, and what needs to be dis­cov­ered. Cre­ate a 250–500 word descrip­tion and include any notes, dia­grams, brain­storm­ing and source materials.

Part Two

Using the plan devel­oped in Part One, begin solv­ing the prob­lem, tak­ing care­ful notes and records of all events. Feel free to use images, videos, inter­views or other means to document.

Part Three

Cre­ate a short pre­sen­ta­tion with your find­ings from Parts One and Two, focus­ing on what was learned from the exer­cise. Sup­ple­ment the find­ings with any dia­grams, charts or dynamic media nec­es­sary to clar­ify and visu­al­ize dis­cov­er­ies or data.  The pre­sen­ta­tion should be 2–3 min­utes in length and may have up to 5 slides. Pre­sen­ta­tion for­mat is impor­tant, but no lim­i­ta­tions on media, author­ing soft­ware or design. Com­bine all notes and mate­ri­als from Parts One and Two into a sin­gle PDF.


  • The fol­low­ing rubric posted on D2L will deter­mine exer­cise score: Exer­cise Grading


cre­ative think­ing, exper­i­men­ta­tion, process, abstract thought


com­puter, soft­ware, paper, pencil


As defined by cor­re­spond­ing cal­en­dar item, drop­box, dis­cus­sion or con­tent topic description.