Exercise 02.01.02: Appointments and Screen Sharing Software


Estab­lish defined meth­ods to com­mu­ni­cate with the course instructor.


By estab­lish­ing a spec­i­fied weekly time to indi­vid­u­ally com­mu­ni­cate with each stu­dent, the course instruc­tor will assist stu­dents with the con­cep­tual and tech­ni­cal aspects of course requirements.



Deter­mine a time each week to meet the instruc­tor indi­vid­u­ally or remotely using Face­Time and/or TeamViewer.

Part One

Deter­mine the ideal time to meet with the course instruc­tor, using email or per­sonal mes­sag­ing. This time may vary and should be mutu­ally sat­is­fac­tory for each party. Once estab­lished, this time will serve as the pri­mary con­tact point for project dis­cus­sion, cri­tique and instruc­tor assis­tance. The meet­ing will be posted on the course D2L Cal­en­dar. Atten­dance credit will be given based on this meet­ing sched­ule. Vari­a­tions or adjust­ments to this meet­ing time is inevitable, should be doc­u­mented using email or text messaging.

Part Two (Remote Instruction Only)

If tak­ing the class as a non-res­i­den­tial stu­dent, estab­lish an on-line account, down­load and install TeamViewer prior to the ini­tial meet­ing. This soft­ware is free and will allow users on each end to grant access each oth­er’s com­put­ers. Dur­ing the ini­tial meet­ing, pro­vide the instruc­tor with the per­mis­sions nec­es­sary to access the stu­dent com­puter. The use of com­puter con­trolled tech­nolo­gies will be used with the express con­sent of the stu­dent, and will be lim­ited to the use of spe­cific files, direc­to­ries and appli­ca­tions needed to com­plete the course require­ments. For instance, most com­mu­ni­ca­tion will involve dis­cus­sion and approval of ideas, as well as the review of files uploaded to the appro­pri­ate drop­box. Any nec­es­sary assis­tance with author­ing soft­ware, such as code review or adjust­ments made through a pro­gram inter­face, would require instruc­tor con­trol of the stu­den­t’s remote machine. While rarely needed, the abil­ity to rec­tify a ter­mi­nal con­flict is invaluable.


  • The fol­low­ing rubric posted on D2L will deter­mine assign­ment score: Exer­cise Grading


Video con­fer­enc­ing, drop­box sub­mis­sions, remote access, calendar


Face­Time, TeamViewer, Cal­en­dar, D2L


Mon­day, May 6, 2019. Assign­ment Given.
Fri­day, May 17, 2019. Files uploaded to appro­pri­ate D2L Drop­box, Dis­cus­sion posted in appro­pri­ate forum.