Background 01.01: What is Graphic Design Process?


This goal of this doc­u­ment is to estab­lish the con­text for cur­rent course content.


Com­plete the Back­ground Read­ing and define the Vocab­u­lary spec­i­fied below. Writ­ten, ver­bal and visual iden­ti­fi­ca­tion and uti­liza­tion is required.

Background Reading


  • Brain­storm
  • Client
  • Con­tract
  • Design Brief
  • Mes­sage
  • Process
  • Research
  • Revi­sions
  • Sys­tem­atize
  • Tar­get Audience


Landa, Robin; Graphic Design Solu­tions; Del­mar Cen­gage Learn­ing; 3 edi­tion, 2005; ISBN-10: 1401881548 ISBN-13: 978–1401881542

Schroep­pel, Tom; The Bare Bones Cam­era Course for Film and Video; Tom Schroep­pel; 2nd Rev edition;1982. ISBN-10: 0960371818; ISBN-13: 978–0960371815

Wheeler, Alina; Design­ing Brand Iden­tity: An Essen­tial Guide to for the whole Brand­ing Team; Wiley; 3rd edi­tion: 2009. ISBN-10: 0470401427; ISBN-13: 978–0470401422