Assignment 04.08: Information Hierarchy and Cookbook Design


The pri­mary goal if this assign­ment is to uti­lize print pro­duc­tion soft­ware and skills to cre­ate a port­fo­lio qual­ity lay­out of a cook­book spread, using full color, imagery and typo­graphic hier­ar­chy to empha­size func­tion­al­ity, plus an under­ly­ing grid struc­ture to estab­lish consistency.


After choos­ing a basic audi­ence, develop a con­cep­tual solu­tion for the inte­rior lay­out, which includes text blocks, lists, pho­tographs and cap­tions. Care­fully ana­lyze audi­ence or mar­ket forces to deter­mine the graphic approach to the pre­sen­ta­tion. Pre­cisely choose fonts and pos­si­ble imagery to com­pli­ment this solu­tion. Appro­pri­ate use of InDe­sign and Adobe Pho­to­shop is vital to suc­cess. File man­age­ment is also key to seam­less production.


  • Kane, p 104–113, 124–143, 152–173.
  • Bringhurst, Chap­ter 8 p 143–178.


Develop two inte­rior spreads for an 8 in by 10 in, full color, full bleed, pre­mium cook­book enti­tled “The Fan­nie Farmer Cook­book” by Mar­ion Cun­ning­ham. Select a two coor­di­nat­ing recipes and imagery based on what resources you have. Images are avail­able for review via the course con­tent. High res files are acces­si­ble via instruc­tor upon approval. Use low res­o­lu­tion images for proof­ing. Write any omit­ted head­ings, sub­heads, body text, lists and captions.

Stock Footage Request

To use stock footage or graph­ics, cre­ate a free account at Envato Ele­ments (https://​ele​ments​.envato​.com/​s​i​g​n​-up). Save files that might be use­ful in a Col­lec­tion. Upon approval at cri­tique, share the Col­lec­tion with the course instruc­tor. Requested files will be down­loaded and dis­trib­uted as needed.

Part One

Use a mul­ti­col­umn grid to pro­vide struc­ture to your lay­out. Care­fully con­sider how mul­ti­ple columns and typo­graphic selec­tions will alter this basic grid as the solu­tion advances. Research any nec­es­sary visual mate­r­ial for ref­er­ence. Cre­ate five (5) sketches on paper for each con­cept to cre­ate a total of 10 sketches. Con­cen­trat­ing both visu­ally and con­cep­tu­ally, keep in mind the design prin­ci­ples of Gestalt, con­trast, pat­tern, etc.

Again on paper, refine your ten (10) ideas into two (2). Eval­u­ate your results and select the best of this batch.

Part Two

At this point, move to the com­puter and refine your sketch dig­i­tally as many times as nec­es­sary to achieve an ideal solu­tion. Alter the revi­sions of your lay­out, grids, style sheets and mas­ter page in order to ring all ele­ments into bal­ance. The final grid should show sig­nif­i­cant alter­ations from the begin­ning ver­sion. Make sure you include the appro­pri­ate head­ings, sub­heads, body text, lists and cap­tions. Cre­ate a lo-res black and white proofs to estab­lish posi­tion­ing and place­ment of items, such as typog­ra­phy, head­ers, foot­ers, etc. Con­tinue to make adjust­ments to cre­ate a lo-res black and white sam­ple to eval­u­ate your success.

Part Three

Print the spread on a sin­gle piece of paper for review. Dig­i­tal files in the appro­pri­ate D2L dropbox.


  • The fol­low­ing rubric posted on D2L will deter­mine assign­ment score: Assign­ment 04.08: Infor­ma­tion Hier­ar­chy and Cook­book Design


Image selec­tion, Link man­age­ment, Font man­age­ment, Text tool, Sav­ing, file struc­ture, PDF creation


Adobe Inde­sign, Illus­tra­tor and/or Pho­to­shop, access to b/w and color laser printer, ruler, cut­ting tool


As defined by cor­re­spond­ing cal­en­dar item, drop­box, dis­cus­sion or con­tent topic description.