Assignment 01.03: Reverse Storyboard


Under­stand the plan­ning nec­es­sary to cre­ate an engag­ing scene through audio, com­po­si­tion, shot selec­tion and editing.


Dia­gram an exist­ing scene into sto­ry­board form.



Choose a cou­ple one to two (1−2) minute scenes from a movie or TV show that is avail­able online for com­par­i­son. The scene should include a mix of dia­logue and move­ment. Review the scene sev­eral times to obtain a sense of action, dia­logue, shot selec­tion and edit­ing. Once a scene is approved by the instruc­tor, cre­ate a sto­ry­board of the scene using dia­grams or screens shots (or both) and mak­ing note of the fol­low­ing for each key frame:

  • Shot num­ber
  • Shot type (Fram­ing height, Cam­era angle and movement)
  • Shot Dura­tion
  • Edit type
  • Descrip­tion of action
  • Dia­logue
  • Audio (pri­mary, sec­ondary back­ground ie sound effects/ music
  • Com­ments or nota­tions (optional)

Assem­ble your sto­ry­board in a text based doc­u­ment and save as a PDF or HTML format.


  • The fol­low­ing rubric posted on D2L will deter­mine assign­ment score: Assign­ment 01.03: Reverse Storyboard


Obser­va­tion, iden­ti­fi­ca­tion, lay­out, basic lay­out, presentation


Video, text edi­tor, image editor


As defined by cor­re­spond­ing cal­en­dar item, drop­box, dis­cus­sion or con­tent topic description.

Project adapted from “Reverse Story Board” by Heidi Mau, for­mer Asso­ciate Pro­fes­sor at the Uni­ver­sity of Oklahoma.