ART 378 Exercise 15.15: Student Opinion Surveys


To obtain an unbi­ased, anony­mous review of the course and instruc­tor by par­tic­i­pat­ing students.


Com­plete the Stu­dent Opin­ion Sur­vey on https://​vision​.oru​.edu/. Stu­dent par­tic­i­pa­tion is recorded elec­tron­i­cally, but results are not released until after grades are submitted.


Com­plete the sur­vey by fol­low­ing these directions:

  1. On http://​oru​.edu, go to Cur­rent Students.
  2. On the left, choose Vision. https://​vision​.oru​.edu/
  3. Click on Enter Secure Area.
  4. Log in with Z‑number and password.
  5. Click on Stu­dent Ser­vices and Finan­cial Aid.
  6. Click on Stu­dent Opin­ion Survey.

Each class takes approx­i­mately 1–2 min­utes to eval­u­ate, and as usual, all eval­u­a­tions are anonymous.


  • The fol­low­ing rubric posted on D2L will deter­mine exer­cise score: Exer­cise Grading


com­puter, web browser


Mon­day, April 20, 2020. Exer­cise given.

Mid­night, Fri­day, May 1, 2020. Com­pleted Sur­vey due.